Purchasing Restricted Substances
Approval on Radioactive Isotope Purchases
To purchase a radioactive isotope you must have a valid University permit.
All purchases of radioactive material must be approved by Radiation Protection Services prior to ordering or receipt of the material. This requirement applies to purchases, gifts, exchanges and donations.
Uses of radioactive material within institutions other than the University, such as teaching hospitals, are covered under separate Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) licences.
The approval process applies to all:
- Open Radioisotopes
- Sealed radioactive sources, radiation devices (Liquid Scintillation Counters, Gas Chromatographs, Static eliminators, Aerosol neutralizers, Calibration sources etc.)
- Uranium Thorium and Plutonium compounds used in the research laboratories
- Stable isotopes used as chemicals
The CNSC requires the University to maintain a record of all radioactive materials received under the Consolidated Licence. This information is reported to the CNSC annually or more frequently and also must be available for inspection by the CNSC on demand.
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|Obtaining a Valid University Permit
University of Toronto Radiation Protection Authority (UTRPA)
Radiation Protection Services, Environmental Health and Safety
215 Huron Street Room 709F
416-978-2028 / 416-978-6846
See also: Guide for Completion of Radioisotope Permit Application
Completing an Electronic Purchase Requisition
For step-by-step instructions see the FAST Team’s Purchase Requisition Reference Guide Create PR for Isotope. All orders for radioactive materials require the following minimum information for approval by Radiation Protection Services:
- Permit Number
- Permit Holder Name
- Radioisotope
- Chemical Form
- Activity per unit stock vial (mCi, uCi or MBq)
- Number of stock vials ordered
- Supplier Name
- Requisition Date
- Expected Day of Delivery
- Delivery Location (Building and Room Number)
- Requisitioner’s Name
Approvals are completed online usually between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm. Therefore the order must made by 10:30 am in order to be approved on the same business day.
Additional Information
Therefore material for use within the University must be purchased under the University license, and material for use within teaching hospitals must be purchased under the hospital license. Material being transferred between the University and hospitals must adhere to the CNSC requirements for transfer and transport between licensees. Permit holders must contact Radiation Protection Services to make appropriate arrangements for such transfers.